
It's 2024 and the worst of COVID-19 is behind us along with the fear of landing in a deep recession. And thanks to our leaders in government, the US has emerged from a very frightening few years as arguably the strongest economy in the world. In spite of so much good fortune, there's still angst and disturbingly deep division in our nation and around the world. For anyone who loves the democratic republic our forebears fought and died to secure for us and for anyone who feels its fragility, these are certainly troubling times.
Music has always been a part of my refuge. To know that my worries, joys, pains have been experienced before and written about is a kind of salve. And to be able to spin a record or push play on a CD player or a computer and experience a performance of those feelings is like “good medicine." Others have made it through. So, perhaps, can I. And it is an honor and a kind of calling to be among those that have and have had the opportunity and privilege to share the joy and pain of life and love with others through song. Music, music that feeds the heart and the soul, is as important today as ever. 
A great lyricist once wrote these timeless words:  "What the world needs now is love". I'd add music . . . love and plenty of soul-healing music. 
Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you in person . . . and soon.

Best Wishes for 2024!


"Life Is a Song"

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...personally and beautifully interpreted.... brimming with honest feeling and passion, a truly mesmerizing experience."”

All About Jazz (Jim Olin)

"Right to Love" is in full release. It features the Thad Wilson Jazz Orchestra and original arrangements of a number of familiar favorites and rediscovered gems. "Right to Love" can be found here, at CD Baby, iTunes, Amazon, and other distribution sites. 

"Right to Love" has been played across the country, into Canada, and as far away as Australia. Stay tuned and let me know if you hear something from "Right to Love" played where you live. Check it out...